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New Tourism Strategies Yearly Subscription

2 months free subscription if you pay annually Rm 100 only

Tourism Business is getting more competitive. To compete , you need  a lot of new tourism strategies and good support with other suppliers and players . 

In NeTS, I will be sharing ideas and strategies on how your business can move forward in this competitive market. Every week , I will be upload new videos on strategies , new products , and new  government incentives and grants. I will also be organising tecnical visit and famm. trip for the inner cirlcle members. 

With Rm10 per month , I hope i made it super affordable for your business. The fee is just to cover the hosting and the plaform's expenses.You can stop subscription anytime you want .

 If you pay annually , you will get 2 months free subscription . 

In addition to the above , i will also be organising series of virtual B2B and B2C for domestic and international market. 

I really hope these small initiatives will benefit your business...It's important to revive your tourism business fast. 

Let's join NeTS and get all the benefits.

See You Inside

Uzaidi Udanis

PS: Once paid , i will provide the link for you to access the videos